Back Roads: How Towing Services Can Be A Lifesaver

Back Roads: How Towing Services Can Be A Lifesaver

Critical Factors to Consider in Indoor Garage Breakdown Towing

Brittany Howell

Most people are familiar with car breakdowns on the side of the road or down a street. Rarely do you hear about a car breakdown inside a parking garage, but it does not mean that they do not happen. Pulling a car from the roadside is easier for car towing services than an indoor parking garage. Therefore, you must consider certain factors when towing a vehicle from an indoor parking garage.   

Garage Height

When towing a car in an indoor parking garage, you must establish the facility's roof height first. Most garages, especially underground parking spaces, have low roofs, which pose challenges to towing services. The reason is that you cannot use certain towing vehicles. For example, a flatbed is only ideal in parking garages with high ceilings. However, if you plan to tow a car from a garage with a low ceiling, a wheel-lift tow truck is the ideal choice. It allows a broken down vehicle to remain low, which prevents scraping and damaging the roof.

Maneuverable Place

Free space in an indoor parking garage is very different from the open spaces in outdoor parking facilities. It is because maneuverability on an outdoor parking lot full of vehicles is manageable using any tow truck. Therefore, it does not matter if you use a flatbed or a hook-and-chain tow truck. However, it is quite different from towing in an indoor garage. Notably, indoor parking lots have pillars and walls, which demands close packing. Consequently, it reduces the maneuverable space in ta parking lot considerably. Therefore, you need a compact and medium-sized tow truck, which can easily maneuver tight spaces. Moreover, a compact tow truck allows other cars to use the road during towing.

Lighting Conditions

Operators are required to observe due diligence when securing a broken down car to a tow truck. It is because loosely secured parts, such as wheel-stoppers, are dangerous to road users. Therefore, tow operators need sufficient lighting to do their job properly, but it is usually not a problem in outdoor parking garages. However, indoor parking lots are typically dark and need artificial lighting. The amount of lighting available determines the type of tow truck that an operator should use. A poorly lit garage requires a tow truck with extra bright lights to ensure that an operator safely secures every part of the vehicle. However, a garage with auxiliary lighting requires basic lighting for successful towing. 

For more information, reach out to a breakdown towing service.


2023© Back Roads: How Towing Services Can Be A Lifesaver
About Me
Back Roads: How Towing Services Can Be A Lifesaver

Hi there! Brenton here. I'm a bit of an adventurer and I've actually driven around Australia three times. From the Nullarbor Plains to the Gulf, I have driven on some seriously bad roads. After my first trip, I learnt that despite my bush mechanic skills, I can't always fix vehicles. I've become quite an amateur expert on how to avoid breakdowns as well as the best towing services to access when all else fails. I have lots of other mates who like going off the beaten track and I'm always giving them tips in case they need to be towed for assistance. Australia is a vast country with lots of isolated patches, so it's best to be prepared. I hope this blog gives you an insight into the best towing services and shows you how they can be a lifesaver in desperate circumstances. Please drive in!
